Our Brands

Lisap-Haarfarben-IconIn this category you will find all brands and manufacturers available from us. We offer you a wide range of hair colors, hair styling products, shampoos, hair treatments and hair care products from various manufacturers and brands. We also have a large selection of hair clippers, hairdressing scissors and blades, hairdressing accessories, barber supplies and hairdressing equipment. If you cannot find a desired product in our online offer, please contact our telephone service on 0361 / 7314745 (Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.).
You can further narrow down and group the listed products according to brands and manufacturers by clicking on the buttons below. In addition, many of the subcategories offer the possibility of sorting the products by product series.

1 to 8 (from a total of 555)
In our online shop we can offer you a wide selection of hair care and hair styling products from almost all manufacturers of hair cosmetics, both for professional / commercial use in hairdressing salons (hairdressing supplies wholesale) as well as in standard quantities for private use home (retail). If you cannot find a desired product in our online offer, please contact our telephone service on 0361 / 7314745 (Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.). We look forward to your call.